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Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) 

Sensory Processing Disorder, or SPD, is essentially simply experiencing ordinary sensations in an extraordinary way. Some people experience sensations as being far greater than they actually are (e.g. hearing normal talking voices as shouting), and some people experience them as being far less than they actually are (e.g. not realising they’ve hurt themselves because they simply don’t feel it). 

Sensory Processing Disorder is very common for those on the autistic spectrum, and this Toolkit will help you work out how to help your child cope with this disorder.

Within this toolkit, we recommend some specific products sold by manufacturers other than ourselves, available from Amazon. These are all products that either we have tried, tested and loved ourselves, or have come highly recommended by our customers. The small commission we receive helps to keep this list up to date and current, and absolutely in no way affects our recommendation. We recommend them simply because they are great products, and will help in the situations that we recommend them for.


Chapter 1: Introduction to SPD

In this Chapter, you will learn more about what SPD actually means and involves, how common it is, what causes it, and how it’s diagnosed.

Chapter 2: Our Senses

This Chapter covers what our senses actually are (HINT: there are more than you think!)

Chapter 3: How Does SPD Affect Our Senses?

Now you know all about what senses we actually have, this Chapter discusses how SPD can affect them and what impact this can have.

Chapter 4: Treatment

This Chapter covers how SPD can be treated, and how you can help someone suffering with SPD.

Chapter 5: Conclusion

Congratulations for working your way through this Toolkit. This Chapter revises some of the key concepts you have learnt.

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